Who we attract

Happy Wednesday,

How is everyone doing on this fine Wednesday evening? Hope all is well with you. Everything is good here in my little bubble of the world. I wanted to thank everyone whose reached out and left comments or emailed me, I really appreciate the feedback. I just love interacting with my readers, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I’m beyond grateful for you.

(Photo credit: relevantmagazine.com)

Today has been a day of writing and relaxing. I really should be working on some projects, however, I won’t be should-ing on myself today. I need to be off my feet. I’m a hurtin’ and with everything coming up, I really do need to lay low. I’ll get things done, but I am finding that I need to take a break here and there. I won’t just be sitting around eating bon bons, though they do sound yummy. What I will be doing is catching up on my journaling and writing.

While sitting here writing to you all, I started thinking about my dad. Usually when I think of him, I get a sign that he’s near. I feel my dad’s presence when I see a single butterfly. Since he’s passed on, I see butterflies on a more regular basis. Right after he passed, I would see them all the time, now, it’s every few days or maybe once a week. Butterflies calm my soul, and I think I’m ready to see one. Fingers crossed.

I was thinking. As much as I love butterflies, I might make an art project for John’s mom for Mother’s Day. I’d show you all a photo of what I might make, but she’s one of my subscribers here and she might see it. Anyway, butterflies are so beautiful and I just love to watch them.

Your probably wondering what all this talk about butterflies has to do with who we attract? Funny you should ask. I ran across a butterfly quote and I thought it went well with our topic, “who we attract.”

“If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you. When you focus on improving yourself, everything you want will come to you. We attract based on who we are, not what we want. Don’t chase, attract.”-Unknown.

Yup, you guessed it, I’ll be figuring out soon how to plant my own butterfly garden and hopefully, I’ll be able to attract all kinds of beautiful butterflies. Can’t wait.

In life, I think it’s true. “We attract based on who we are, not what we want.” People either want to be around us, or they don’t. One exception to this rule is, in my opinion, people will chose to be around us while not wanting to if they want something from us. Users. We’ll talk about that later though.

I do believe if we want to see our lives bloom, we must first plant the garden. We have to attract what we expect. I want lots of butterflies, so I need to plant my garden based upon that. I want lots of roses surrounding me, they remind me of grandpa. I can’t just sit here and hope I’ll have my butterfly garden, I must plant it, same with my rose garden.

I love this quote, by author unknown:” Attract what you expect. Reflect what you desire. Become what you respect. And mirror what you admire.”

Do you have that one person in your life whom you admire? I do, in fact, I have a couple ladies that I absolutely admire. I also admire John and his drive to provide the best life possible for us. I not only have admiration for my friends and John, I respect them as well. I respect their work ethics, I respect their bold stance for what they believe in and I like being around these people because it gives me something positive to mirror and strive to be like.

I do believe we sometimes absolutely attract the wrong kind of energy, people and things into our lives. I think this is true because sometimes people want what we have, so they cling to our lives in hopes whatever it is they want, they’ll receive from us. Those relationships tend to fade rather quickly, I think. One of two things happen, they get what they want and bail on us, or they get tired of us not giving them what they want, so they ghost us. Either way, those kind of persons aren’t healthy for our peaceful life and personal growth.

“If we focus on what’s ugly, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and ultimately into our lives.”-Wayne Dyer.

Generally, those relationships that are built on a solid foundation are the ones we hope to attract and nourish. Like any garden, we must pick the weeds out (letting go of toxic and negative relationships). We must fertilize and rid the weeds around our plants (be the kind of friend and partner you want in your life). And never forget, water for nourishment and hydration (feed those relationships that you want to mirror).

I think the happier and more grounded we are, the more we attract like minded people with a hint of attracting those who want to suck our joy away. We need to proceed with caution.

I had someone try to befriend me a couple years back. I thought she was genuine, to later find out, she only wanted something from me. She never truly wanted to be my friend, she was fishing for information about people we both know. She put on an I care about you facade, but really, what she wanted, was to hurt one of my friends. I’m thankful I proceeded with caution. She’s since put up her, talk to the hand personality. Good ridden.

I hope to always proceed with caution. Give others the benefit of the doubt. Give everyone a chance. Always work on being forgiving and showing grace and I hope to always attract the kind of person I want to be.

Guys, I’m so excited to begin planting my garden. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed working with my hands in the yard. Having a condo yields little yard space, but, I do have enough and I’m grateful for what I have. I wake up every morning with gratitude for those God’s put into my life and I wake up with gratitude for all the provisions He’s given me.

I hope to always attract people and things into my life that glorify Him and maybe, one day soon, I’ll be the home to many beautiful butterflies. Hopefully soon, I’ll be out watering my rose garden. To make this a reality, I must get to work.

Suggestions are always welcome on planting my butterfly and rose garden.

My final thought is this: I’ve attracted so many wonderful readers here on my blog site, and I’m beyond grateful to each and everyone of you. I hope every once in awhile you see yourself in my story and I hope to be able to help you avoid the many heartbreaks I’ve suffered in my life. We are all worthy of a happy life. Don’t you think?

I hope the rest of your evening is as wonderful as you. Until next time, don’t forget, Love Life++ Hugs.

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